Dirty secrets of search and SEO

Two concurrent stories erupted today in the media today  and both  in relation of the search manipulation  and SEO tricks used to Game google  and get on its no 1 top list .
One was a big company named JC PENNEY and the  other was a planted australian search term called  "na pohybel janas"
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"na pohybel janas"

The term "na pohybel janas" has been the seventh fastest-rising search query on Google by Australians over the past 30 days, behind terms such as "cyclone yasi", "australian open", "biggest loser" and "egypt". It even sits above "big day out", according to Google Insights for Search.
A Google Australia spokeswoman refused to comment on the search term, but noted that a "fastest rising" term was not the same as most popular.
"This term may not have been a top search overall - its appearance on the 'fastest rising' list just indicates that it saw much more query volume in the last 30 days than it did in the 30 days before that," the spokeswoman said. Read more here -- >http://www.-the-mystery-of-na-pohybel-janas-20110215-1au9n.html


J. C. Penney.-mThe company bested millions of sites -- and not just in searches for dresses, bedding and area rugs. For months, it was consistently at or near the top in searches for "skinny jeans," "home decor," "comforter sets," "furniture" and dozens of other words and phrases, from the blandly generic ("tablecloths") to the strangely specific ("grommet top curtains").
Expert in online search, Doug Pierce of Blue Fountain Media in New York, after studying Penney's astoundingly strong search-term performance in recent months. What he found suggests that the digital age's most mundane act, the Google search, often represents layer upon layer of intrigue. And the intrigue starts in the sprawling, subterranean world of "black hat" optimization, the dark art of raising the profile of a Web site with methods that Google considers tantamount to cheating.
This striking performance lasted for months, most crucially through the holiday season, when there is a huge spike in online shopping. J. C. Penney even beat out the sites of manufacturers in searches for the products of those manufacturers. Type in "Samsonite carry on luggage," for instance, and Penney for months was first on the list, ahead of Samsonite.com. Read more at: http:///the-dirty-little-secrets-of-search-85304


  1. online marketing Queensland! Search engines don’t read images, they read the ALT text instead. You should use an ALT attribute to help engine crawlers better understand the meaning of an image and what it represents. Of course, it’s good to use keyword phrases you target to describe the images on the webpage itself.


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