Does panda need regular updates and thin content ??

Obviously not !! What worries me is that not all bloggers post content regularly  ( so are good bloggers who post posts of value  going to be  victimised by panda  for that too).

But innovative simple ideas have come out o combat that, while the idea itself  is really just a kinda fix it could work if you just don't want dates on your blog website of publishing.

How to - Remove date from WordPress Blog Posts

Log in to your wordpress admin panel via blog
Go to “Appearance > Editor” and follow these steps for each of your theme’s PHP files
  1. Look for these function calls in your theme’s code: the_date(), echo get_the_date(),the_modified_date(), and the_time()
  2. Surround the function calls with PHP comment markers (/* and */)
  3. After you add the PHP markers, hit “Update File”
  4. Refresh your WordPress post, you will find that the date has been deleted from all your blog posts.
  5. As in pic below do the edit Remove date from WordPress Blog Posts

Panda tips  and fixes for all

Google panda is a domain level penalty, so even couple of bad content/posts can effect your overall blog ranking, so it would be good to try weed out thin content or content which doesn’t add much value.

Google panda algorithm was introduced on 25th March 2011, and Globally on April 11th 2011.If you see a significant drop or rise in traffic( check google analytics), that means your website GOT HIT BY THE panda effect.

Website with low quality (Thin content) (Results with high bounce rate)
Website which works as content farm ( sCRAPER WEBSITE, RSS WEBSITE)
Website with not proper SEO structure
Too many advertisements ABOVE THE FOLD
Poor Grammar ARTICLES
SEO over optimization (Black hat SEO)
Too many broken links (404 links)

If you had posts earlier that had thin content  (just a image and few sentences),  (Articles that make no sense) either noindex them, delete them or update them with detailed information and make it a quality content, so that it should be readable and useful to readers.


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