How to fill in or set up Yoast SEO plugin data



I have distributed my seo plugins on my blogs between Greg's seo plugin and yoast SEO plugin

Gregs SEO plugin is no brainer  and easy on servers, while Yoast SEO gives lots of functionality and more frequently updated ( dont know if that s good or bad). Find another good wordpress seo plugin 3rd  alternative  which is easy to set up below in the article

Here is my quick tutorial on how to set up the yoast seo plugin

What to put in ?

Title template | Meta description template  | Meta keywords template

Title template  Meta description template   keywords template

In section "Singular pages", under options "Post" and "Page", enter the following: "Title template": %%title%% "Meta description template": %%excerpt%% "Meta keywords template": %%tag%% In section "Taxonomies", under option "Category", enter the following: "Title template": %%category%% | %%sitename%% "Meta description template": %%category_description%% "Meta keywords template": %%tag%% In section "Taxonomies", under option "Post_tag", enter the following: "Title template": %%tag%% | %%sitename%% "Meta description template": %%tag_description%% "Meta keywords template": %%tag%% In section "Special Pages", under option "Author Archives", enter the following: "Title template": %%name%% | %%sitename%% "Meta description template": %%excerpt%% "Meta keywords template": %%tag%% In section "Special Pages", under option "Date Archives", enter the following: "Title template": %%title%% | %%sitename%% "Meta description template": %%excerpt%% In section "Special Pages", for options "Search pages" and "404 pages", in the "Title template:" field enter "%%searchphrase%% | %%sitename%%". Scroll down and save settings

I use Yoast SEO and the configuration can be a  little complex to someone new to all this .

I have detailed the steps below, Some of these details have been updated in the latest version but you can find the sections with some effort and adjust accordingly to your blog.


How to set up Yoast Plugin

i love gadget australia

(Credit :


In  wp-admin area, go to "SEO >> Dashboard".

This brings you to "Yoast WordPress SEO: General".

Check the "Enabled" radio button beside "Plugin Status".

Configure the following "Dashboard" options:

Under "General Settings"

check: "Use meta keywords tag"

"Disable date in snippet preview for posts"

For those using Google Webmaster Tools, Yahoo! Site Explorer or Bing Webmaster tools, enter the appropriate 'verify meta values' under "Webmaster Tools".

Under "XML Sitemap" check "Check this box to enable XML sitemap functionality."

This will make other settings to appear.

Under "General Settings" check "Add images to XML Sitemap."

Under "After sitemap generation:" check: "Ping Google." "Ping Bing." "Ping Yahoo!." "Ping"

Scroll down and click "Save Yoast WordPress SEO Settings".

Go to "SEO >> Titles" and configure the following options:

Go to "SEO >> Indexation" and configure the following options:

In section "Indexation Roles", check the following options: "This site's search result pages" "The login and register pages" "All admin pages" "Author archives" "Date-based archives" In section "Internal nofollow settings", check the following options: "Nofollow login and registration links" "Nofollow comments links" "Replace the Meta Widget with a nofollowed one" In section "Archive Settings", check the following options: "Disable the author archives" "Disable the date-based archives" In section "Robots Meta Settings", check the following options: "Add noodp meta robots tag sitewide" "Add noydir meta robots tag sitewide" In section "Clean up section", check the following options: "Hide RSD Links" "Hide WLW Manifest Links" "Hide WordPress Generator" "Hide Index Relation Links" "Hide Previous & Next Post Links" "Hide Shortlink for posts" Scroll down and save settings.

Go to "SEO >> RSS" and configure the following options: In section "Permalink Setting", check the following options: "Strip the category base (usually /category/) from the category URL." "Redirect attachment URL's to parent post URL." In section "Canonical Settings" set "Force Transport" to "Leave default". Scroll down and save settings.

Go to "SEO >> RSS" and configure the following options: In section "RSS Feeds", check the following options: "noindex the comment RSS feeds" "Ping the Search Engines with feed on new post" In section "Content of your RSS Feed", Place the following in "Content to put after each post:" textarea: A post from: Your Keyword Here Scroll down and save settings.

Go to "SEO >> Import & Export". If you have previously used any of the plugins on the page and wish to import your settings, check the appropriate box(es), including the "Delete the old data after import? (recommended)" box, then click "Import". Once you have your blog set up, you can come here and export your settings to a file on your computer, then upload those settings on your next blog.

Go to "SEO >> Edit files". Once you have your robots.txt file set up, you can access it and the .htaccess files from here to make any updates or adjustments. It is recommended to back up your blogs files before making any changes. Go to "Pages".

Find your index page and click "Edit". Scroll down to configure "Wordpress SEO by Yoast" settings: On the 'General' tab, configure the following: In "Focus Keyword:" enter the main keyword of your site. In "SEO Title:" enter the title of your page. In "Meta Description:" enter the meta description of your blog. This is what will show in your listings. You are allowed 155 characters, but 139 is recommended. In "Meta Keywords:" enter your primary keyword first, followed by 3 -4 more related keywords, all comma separated.

Once you have the information filled in, you can look at the 'Snippet Preview" to see what your listing will look like in Google. Any changes made to your titles or keywords will show here as well. Click on the "Page Analysis" tab. The following information will help you with your analysis: Entries tagged with a check mark are good to go. Entries tagged "Okay" are good, but need some work. Entries tagged with an exclamation mark need immediate attention. Follow the recommendations beside each entry to better optimize your page. Update/publish your page (if necessary).

Go to "Posts". Using the same principles described above to optimize your index page, optimize 2 primary posts and any other post you deem important. Update/publish your post(s) as necessary. After your main page and primary posts are optimized, return to the "SEO" dashboard. Check the services to be pinged (Google, Bing, Yahoo! and then scroll down and (re)build your XML sitemap. The YOast tutorial guide is here


if you think all of this is too much to do . just get All in one SEO and Google XML Sitemaps. and you can set it all up in 5 mins really


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